Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Two Valuable Resources

Kids get sick.  Sometimes the parents caring for the kids get sick.  Today I'd like to feature two resources that have been invaluable in our home:
The first one is Take Charge of Your Child's Health by George Wootan. M.D.  Written by a medical doctor and a father of eleven children, this book helps parents be a more effective partner in managing their children's health.  As Dr. Wootan states in the Introduction:  "It is my belief that you, as a parent, are best qualified to head up your children's health care team.  You know your child better than anyone else...  Every step you take toward becoming an educated consumer...helps to ensure the continued health of your family."   

The second reference is called Prescriptions for Nutritional Healing by James F. Balch, M.D. and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C.  It is full of information about principles of health and nutrition, common disorders and nutritional recommendations for them, and treatments to go along with the nutritional approach.  

If I have a headache or the kids have stuffy noses, I prefer to try natural remedies before using an over-the-counter medicine or running to the doctor.  Neither one of these books replaces a doctor's care.  But they were written by medical doctors to help inform and share alternatives.      

Friday, September 10, 2010

The Dangers of Cleaning

The topic of this post came out of a recent conversation I had with another mom of young children.  As we chatted about the demands of this season of life (potty training, time-outs, public meltdowns, the wonder of the world around them, lots of hugs and kisses...), she mentioned CLEANING up after her family.  Little kids are...messy.  And they touch everything, then quite often put their fingers in their mouths.  My friend jokingly referred  to herself as "the Queen of Bleach."  Which gave me pause.

The same fingers that are touching all the germs and dirt and bacteria are also touching surfaces cleaned with very harsh chemicals.  Danger: those chemicals are hazardous to their health!

I recall a story a nurse shared about her teenage son.  Her husband had sprayed a bleach solution in the bathroom to combat mildew on the ceiling earlier in the day.  They had aired out the room and kept the fan on, and the son had used the bathroom prior to going to bed (hours after the spraying.)  In the middle of the night, the nurse was awakened by the sound of her son gasping - he was having a difficult time breathing.  The situation seemed to continue getting worse.  Not knowing what else to do, she dragged him outside where the cold air seemed to help him, and they waited for the ambulance there.  Her son had never had breathing problems of any sort...until that night.  After numerous consultations with various doctors, she realized that the cleaning solution triggered this response in her son's body.  She cleared her house of all harsh chemicals and only uses natural means to clean her home.  Her son has not had any problems since.

My mom used a lot of bleach and harsh chemicals in our home growing up.  She even mixed them on occasion out of ignorance, though there are severe warnings about the potential hazards of doing that.  Besides ruined carpet and clothing, have I experienced any direct damage or suffered a health crisis as a result?  No, not that I am currently aware of.  And we don't hear on the news about the percentages of children harmed or the long-term danger or effects of many things we use on a regular basis.  

BUT, I am not willing to take the chance with my children's health.  The list of warnings on the sides of the bottles give me enough information to decide I don't want them in my home.  Breathing in the fumes, accidentally swallowing a colorful chemical, a careless splash onto their skin or into their is not worth the risk to me when I know there are products that would not cause them harm if these same things happened. 

We've used all-natural products as much as possible to clean our home. There are many products readily available, though they often cost a bit more than the commercial products.  But in the long-run, the cost and effect on our health and the health of our children could be far more expensive...  I strongly encourage you to consider investing in natural products to clean your home.  Yes, it can be a more costly investment compared to the more common products that are readily available...for now.  But the long-term effects of breathing in clean air, NOT having chemicals interact with body functions are priceless.  

I am not listing the products we use intentionally because I am not promoting any one product, and there are many options available at the store and through mail order companies (though you are free to e-mail me if you'd like to know what has worked in our home.)  I am not a health expert or a scientist - I am just a Mama who reads labels and am sharing my concerns, experiences and thoughts on this topic.   

Monday, September 6, 2010

Have A Party!

What's so green about having a party?

Well, it all depends on the kind of party you have!  

Several years ago, one of my daughter's closest friends asked all the friends attending her birthday party to bring a gift for children in shelters instead of a birthday gift for her.  Touched by stories of children less fortunate than her, this little girl wanted to do her part in helping others.  Her fourth birthday party was a touching and memorable one.

Another cool party idea: a "Wedding Gift Re-gifting Party."  Chatting with girlfriends about some of the interesting wedding gifts we'd received, the general consensus was that we all had items that weren't our taste or things we couldn't use...but they were too nice to throw away.  So we had a party and swapped these items!  A huge platter in the shape of a fish mortified one friend, but it was the perfect serving piece for me, a Japanese girl!

Earlier in the summer, my church held a Ladies' Accessory-Clothing-Handbag-Shoe Exchange, which was a blast!  Everyone brought nice items that they were ready to get rid of and exchanged them for "new" things.  I was thrilled to get these practically new shoes!
Being frugal, saving money, and doing our part to re-use/re-invent things to keep them out of landfills can be (and should be) a lot of fun!  An elegant spin to clearing out our closets of those "nice items I'd like to keep but haven't worn for years" is to have a party.  Some of my favorite items that I use frequently are things that were given to me.  What a blessing!